Friday, November 27, 2015

Useful tips for iOS App Development for Businesses

iOS apps are getting launched on a daily basis and with the clutter chances are that your app may just get lost in the world full of apps, and your target audience will get distracted with other apps or worse find your competitors app. Imagine investing all that money on creating the perfect app for your business, but no one is able to find you online. That can be quite a nightmare for any business owner; to help your app come in front of your target audience there are a few things that you need to do which is also known as optimizing your app. In simple terms, it is more like using some tricks of the trade, that will get your app on the of the search results when your customers are looking for services that you offer.

This means that you beat your competition and take away their business too!

Below is a list of things you can do, to optimize your ios app and make the development cost worth every penny.

The First Thing Your Customers Notice

Obviously! The logo is really important, it has to be the right size, should be relevant to your business, to cut it short – it has to look awesome. There is a reason why designers do what they do. One glimpse is all it takes; if the logo is attractive enough to get a user engaged you have hit it out of the park.

Pick the Right Name

This should have been first on the list, because it is that important. Your app name plays a major role because if it has the right keyword attached to it, and your customers are searching that word chances are you will be way up on the list. Also don’t forget to associate your app with the right category; this is a no-brainer but still these things tend to happen.

Describing your App

This is key, your canvas, and the place you must take full advantage off.  Do the research, find out the keywords that are most searched for and use them creatively, to ensure your app gets ranked for those keywords and be easily found.

Use the Best Images

There is a reason why they say a picture says a thousand words! Make use of the number of images you can upload as screen shots. Upload the ones that promise the best experience your customers are expecting. Browse through the game section and see the images of some of the ios game apps, don’t you feel like downloading them right away? That’s the art of design; it creates an urge of tapping that download button.

Ask for Some Love

If your customers love your app, make sure they are rating it. This boosts ranking and invites more downloads. To put it simple, it’s like digital word of mouth advertising, other users see ratings and read reviews, it helps create that little bit of trust needed to download the app.


If you have invested time building it yourself or you have hired an ios app development company to build your app for you. Go get the word out! Create a fan page, email people, blog about it, share it on social networks use every form you can to get people to download your app. Getting external links not only help in ranking, but it spreads awareness among other people as well. 

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